Local Government media & presentation skills
Peak Presenting has launched a series of media and presentations skills training workshops designed for local Councils.
Delivered by our media experts, the series includes workshops for:
Councillor induction (after elections or as a mid term refresher)
Council staff providing information to support media management
Council media spokespeople (managers and executives).
Peak Presenting customises workshops to meet the needs of each Council and its participants.
Councillor Induction Workshop
This workshop assists in onboarding new councillors and refreshing the media and presentation skills of experienced councillors.
The module can be inserted into a broader councillor induction program to:
help outline Council's media policies and procedures for councillors
deliver practical communication and presentation tools that councillors can apply in their roles and in other areas.
In among the heavy governance sessions of an induction program, this workshop is an interactive and engaging session with broad benefits.
Level 1 Council Staff Workshop
This workshop is designed for Council staff who provide input into media stories and may undertake occasional radio or press interviews. It is customised to meet participants' needs covering topics including understanding the media and its importance to Council's business objectives, Council's media policies, and what makes an interesting story. .
Level 2 Council Spokespeople Workshop
This workshop is designed to provide more extensive training for senior Council spokespeople undertaking podcast, radio, press, and TV or other on-camera interviews. Participants cover topics in the Level 1 workshop and practice TV news interviews in front of the camera.
They receive our interview/presentation tips to help put them in control of any interview. We also cover handling difficult media issues including when not to engage.
More information
Contact us to discuss your local government media and presentation skills training needs today.