Tips for an effective communication strategy
What makes a Communication Strategy an effective one?
A textbook communication strategy determines the best channels to deliver the right messages, to the right audiences, at the right time, to meet your business objectives. It must do this with finite resources (people and money).
A common problem when developing communication strategies or activities is not aligning them to business objectives. You should not have the tail wagging the dog.
To be EFFECTIVE, your communication strategy needs to get implemented. Too many strategies gather dust or hold open office doors.
One way to help successfully implement your strategy is to create it so that your people can use it to help them in their roles. Rather than it just being a document for Executive approval.
Late last year we had the pleasure of developing a Communication and Engagement Strategy for SAWCAN. This network organisation brings together the skills and knowledge of five Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations (ACCHOs) in regional South Australia to improve the health and wellness of Aboriginal people.
The strategy document is a practical “how to” guide for SAWCAN and ACCHO staff to effectively communicate and engage with Mob, one another, and other stakeholders.
Accompanying the strategy is another practical guide for the Executive Manager and Communications Lead t The guide has recommended, realistic, priority actions, to make the best use of limited resources. There are accompanying templates and ‘how to’ resources to make “corporate communication” tasks simpler and easier to implement.
Rather than develop a tick-the-box strategy, or spreadsheet that scares or bores your people, make it a document or documents that your people want to pick up and use. Make sure your strategy is one that helps your people to understand WHY effective communication and engagement is everyone’s business (benefits) and HOW they can do it.
Need help with developing and implementing communication strategies and communication plans?
Let’s talk! Contact us with your details so we can call you at a time that suits you. Or call Craig on 0437 477 439 or Mel on 0408 565 593.